Death's Scythe

- Item -


Death's Scythe

- Castlevania -

You can KO highly damaged opponents with a well placed smash attack from this scythe. 

A black aura will surround your oppponent right before you attack, signaling an instant KO!!


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Animal Crossing Arms Banjo-Kazooie Bayonetta Castlevania Donkey Kong Dragon Quest Duck Hunt Earthbound F-Zero Fatal Fury Final Fantasy Fire Emblem Game & Watch Ice Climber Kid Icarus Kirby Mega Man Metal Gear Solid Metroid Mii Minecraft Nintendo PAC-MAN Persona Pikmin Pokémon Punch-Out!! R.O.B. Sonic Splatoon Star Fox Street Fighter Super Mario Bros. Super Smash Bros. The Legend of Zelda Wario Wii Fit Xenoblade Yoshi